Fred Bonner, Outdoor Writer and Syndicated Newspaper Columnist has
requested that the North Carolina Wildlife Federation remove his name as a
paid member after having heard that former director of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service Director, Jamie Clark, was recently appointed to a high
level job with the National Wildlife Federation.
Ms. Clark was the director of the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service under the Clinton Administration and came under heavy Congressional
fire for the misuse of millions of dollars "stolen from" American hunters
and fishermen. These are moneys that the Fish and Wildlife Service still
has not been able to account for.
The North Carolina Wildlife Federation is an affiliate of the
National Wildlife Federation and Bonner states that "I don^t want to have
any dealings with an agency who hires former federal employees who have
misused millions of our sportsmen^s dollars. Our North Carolina hunters and
fishermen are still outraged at how Director Clark attempted to cover up
the missing millions. It^s a disgrace that the National Wildlife Federation
would hire a person who had betrayed the trust of our sportsmen.
"The North Carolina Wildlife Federation is a good organization and
I hate to see them following the National Wildlife Federation in their well
intentioned but misguided ways. The national group is one reason that we
now have so many splinter conservation groups being formed to serve the
needs of hunters and fishermen. Most outdoor sportsmen consider the NWF to
be ^tree huggers^ who are composed of mostly anti-hunting and animal
rights supporters.
"The hiring of Ms. Jamie Clark as a high ranking official with the
National Wildlife Federation is a slap in the face to all hunters and
fishermen. It^s a shame because the National Wildlife Federation used to be
an organization that supported our nation^s conservationists."