PIERRE – South Dakota’s 2001 muzzleloader-only season for deer has been set for 2001 with an additional three weeks to the season length
Game Management Specialist Ron Fowler said the 2001 muzzleloader deer season will run through the third Sunday in January, which makes the season dates Dec. 8 through Jan. 20, 2002.
Total license numbers will increase from 1,975 1-tag licenses to 3,110 1-tag licenses. Also available will be 610 2-tag licenses.
Fowler noted that nonresidents will have a chance for these licenses.
"The state’s muzzleloader deer licenses are usually only available to residents, except that this year, nonresidents will be eligible for unsold licenses that remain during the first-come, first-serve period," he said. "This means nonresidents can submit an application for any licenses remaining after the second drawing."
Other changes from last year include:
Repeal Unit 965A (Shannon County).
Include Little Bend Recreation Area in Unit 959A (Sully County).
Include Pocasse National Wildlife Refuge in Unit 916A (Campbell County).
Establish Unit 967A (Todd County).
Combine Unit 901B with Unit 901A (Minnehaha County).
Preference coupons will be issued to unsuccessful applicants.
Provide "any deer" licenses in 10 units.
Extend the season date from Dec. 31 to the third Sunday in January.
Archery deer season will remain open during this season. Muzzleloader hunters, but not archery hunters, would be required to wear fluorescent orange. No muzzleloading rifles with telescopic sights may be used.
Muzzleloader applications will be available in early May with a first deadline of June 8.
Shooting hours will be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.