LITTLE ROCK - The Arkansas Game & Fish Commission decided at its March meeting to stick with the same basic format of its duck season framework options for another five years. That season framework is the "split season with no zones" option, which allows Arkansas to establish a statewide split duck season, with no more than three segments, within the season framework dates established by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
"We are satisfied with the season structure we’ve had the last seven years," said Bill Bridgforth of Pine Bluff, current Chairman of the Commission. "The split season option allows us the flexibility to accommodate hunters in both north and south Arkansas, and it also gives us the opportunity to have a period of rest for added accumulation of waterfowl during the middle of the season, to the extent that the framework permits. We feel it’s the best decision available to us."
The Fish & Wildlife Service offers the states the opportunity to change the basic structure of their waterfowl seasons in five-year increments. Once a state makes its decision and notifies the FWS, the structure must remain in place for five years. The next time Arkansas will have the opportunity to changes its season plan will be in the spring of 2006.