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The West Virginia’s Division of Natural Resources has announced the winners of the 2000 Big Buck Contest, according to Bernie Dowler, Chief of the Division of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Section. The contest is co-sponsored by DNR, the Izaak Walton League of West Virginia, and the West Virginia Bowhunter’s Association to recognize sportsmen who bagged trophy bucks in West Virginia. During 2000, 265 hunters had their trophies scored by one of 19 Official Boone and Crockett or Pope and Young Scorers from locations around the state, the six DNR district offices, Elkins Operations Center,or the West Virginia Hunting and Fishing Show in Charleston. Ninety-eight hunters who harvested trophy bucks during the 2000 season were eligible to participate in the 2000 Big Buck Contest. Twenty-six bucks harvested by gun hunters scored 140 points or greater. In the typical category, the winner was Karl Hamilton of Bakerton, WV, with an 11-point buck harvested in Jefferson County that scored 165 0/8 points. The non-typical category winner was harvested by Douglas Elliot of Pond Gap, WV with an 16-point buck from Kanawha County that scored 168 6/8. Of special note is that Douglas took this huge non-typical with a blackpowder rifle. Bow hunters harvested 72 deer that scored greater than 125 points. The winner in the typical category was Tony Ellis of Glen Rogers, WV, with an 8-point buck harvested in Wyoming County that scored 161 3/8 points. The non-typical category winner was Scott Ellis of Holden, WV with a 20-point buck harvested in Logan County that scored175 5/8. The Boone and Crockett Club or Pope and Young Club scoring systems are used to score bucks, depending upon the method of harvest. Deer harvested with a bow must conform to Pope and Young Club standards, and they are recognized with a citation for racks scoring at least 125 points. The Boone and Crockett Club guidelines are used to score deer harvested with a firearm, and citations are presented for racks scoring at least 140 points.

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