Sportsmen who wish to submit applications for more than 1,000 controlled hunts offered by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation can now do so over the Internet.
"The on-line system not only makes it easier for sportsmen to apply for hunts, but it also helps ensure they submit an accurate application" said Melinda Sturgess, Chief of Administration for the Wildlife Department. "We believe the system is very user friendly and simplifies the application procedure. The Department is also able to process the applications much easier and at a lower cost, which is a benefit to the state’s sportsmen.
"We were the first state wildlife management agency to allow constituents to apply on-line. The initial introduction to the process took place last year and was very popular. Overall, about 45 percent of the applicants used the on-line system last year, and we expect even more to take advantage of the system this year."
Sturgess said there are several advantages to applying on-line for the controlled hunts. The system eliminates concern about lost applications and the program lets applicants know immediately if their application was accepted.
The system will not accept any applications that are incomplete or show discrepancies, and will alert the applicant to check the information provided if something isn’t correctly filled out. Applicants can confirm the applications receipt by clicking on the confirmation link provided on the Controlled Hunts Page.
Those interested in applying for controlled hunts on-line can log on to the Department’s website at and click on the 2001-2002 Controlled Hunts link. The site will provide all information needed to apply, including hunt categories and area hunt dates and locations.
Controlled hunts application booklets are also available at Department installations and license vendors statewide. The deadline for applying is May 4.
Applicants will be able to check drawing results on the Department’s website beginning July 23. The Department will also post drawing results at its main office in Oklahoma City and at its regional offices for those who want to check the results in person.