Throughout March and April the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries is providing an online Internet opportunity to citizens, to the public to provide input on what the Commonwealth^s wildlife, hunting, and trapping regulations are going to be for the next two years.
Regulation amendments to take effect in July will be adopted by the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries on May 3, 2001. A comment period for regulation proposals is underway, and if you have an opinion, the Board would like to know. If you have an opinion and an Internet connection, sharing your viewpoint has never been easier. Go to There you may read summaries of proposals, the full text of the proposals, and the rationales behind them. You may give your views, pro, con, or indifferent, on the proposals, right there online and without switching to email. Public comments made online are provided to the Board as they consider the proposed regulation changes prior to the May 3, 2001 meeting.