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Meeting in Boise September 29, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved fishing rules proposed for the years 2000 and 2001. The approved rules reflect some changes based on public comment. A proposal to remove the “barbless hook rule” for catch-and-release waters was withdrawn after getting a cool reception from organized anglers. Another withdrawn proposal would have lowered the daily trout limit from six to five. Both of those rules will remain as they were in the 1998-1999 rules. In the Southeast Region, the opening date of July 1 on McCoy Creek was maintained to protect spawning cutthroat. Keeping the July 1 opener had wide public support. In the Southwest Region, a proposal to change Mores Creek to a Memorial Day opener was withdrawn because of confusion which would result from a fluctuating reservoir level on Lucky Peak making it difficult to determine where the creek ended. Mores Creek will remain open year-around, as it has been. Most of the changes from the previous two-year regulation period were in the Panhandle Region, where numerous changes were made to simplify what had previously been a complex system of regulations on the Spokane River drainage and, at the same time, provide protection to native cutthroat. Also in the Panhandle, kokanee limits were reduced on most lakes to protect the fish, which have suffered from fluctuating water levels damaging shoreline spawning beds and from floods actually flushing the fish out of lakes. The new brochures will be printed in December, and are scheduled to be available by January 1, 2000.

Uploaded: 10/7/1999