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PIERRE -- Paddlefish snaggers should remember a few recommendations from Game, Fish and Parks officials when the 1999 South Dakota/Nebraska paddlefish snagging season opens Oct. 1. Game, Fish and Parks Fisheries Biologist Cliff Stone said anglers can begin paddlefish snagging at 7 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 1. The season will be open until 7 p.m. daily until it closes on Oct. 31. "All paddlefish anglers must cast for, hook and retrieve their own fish," Stone said. He also reminds paddlefish snaggers to bring a flexible tape measure with them when they fish, because any paddlefish which measures between 35 inches and 45 inches, must be immediately released. Anglers, especially those fishing from boats, also need to be thinking about safety. "The Corps of Engineers will still, in all likelihood, be releasing water from the Gavins Point Dam. That can lead to dangerous boating conditions," Stone said.

Uploaded: 9/29/1999