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CONCORD, N.H. - The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission^s Striped Bass Management Board will hold public hearings next month to discuss options aimed at reducing fishing mortality of striped bass next year. Hearings are being held in states along the Atlantic seaboard. In New Hampshire, hearings will be held October 5, 7 p.m., at the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth; and October 6, 7 p.m., at New Hampshire Fish and Game Department headquarters in Concord. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, which oversees striped bass management plans, made various proposals in August on ways to reduce striped bass fishing mortality. These proposals were developed following an assessment of striped bass stock that indicated the 1998 fishing mortality of fully recruited striped bass exceeded the target in the fishery management plan. In response to this finding, the Striped Bass Management Board decided to alter the management program for 2000 to reduce the fishing mortality and meet the plan^s target. "The board is generally pleased with the resurgence of the striped bass fishery, and recreational and commercial fishermen alike continue to reap the benefits of this resurgence," said Board Chair John Nelson (also chief of New Hampshire Fish and Game^s Marine Fisheries Division). "We want to ensure that these benefits continue, and so the Board is taking action to adjust the year 2000 management program to prevent a continued increase in fishing mortality." At its September 14 meeting, the Board, with input from the Striped Bass Technical Committee, approved the following options for consideration at the public hearings: Option 1: The coastal fisheries that currently have a two-fish bag limit will be reduced to a one-fish bag limit. Furthermore, all states would be required to implement management programs that achieve the remaining 22 percent reduction on 28-inch and larger fish. Option 2: All states will be required to implement a management program that achieves a 28 percent reduction on 28-inch and larger striped bass. Option 3: Increase the minimum size limit in producer and coastal areas by 2 inches. For more information, visit the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission^s website:, or call 202-289-6400.

Uploaded: 9/21/1999