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The main attraction at the MK Nature Center in Boise, the living stream, has been restored and fish have been reintroduced. The stream was emptied about January 1 for repairs. Leaks in the stream^s aging liner required replacement and a new well had to be developed. The Nature Center has been open to the public throughout the reconstruction project but fish have been present only in the Center^s pond, not where viewing windows give visitors the chance to look directly into fishes^ habitat. Nature Center Superintendent Terry Thompson had hoped to reopen in time for end of school field trips this spring. Stream bed work was done in time but problems with bringing the new well system online held up the project until July 28. The stream does have fish in it now, Thompson said, but more will be added in the next few weeks. He said the stream will contain rainbow, cutthroat and brown trout as well as—for the first time—grayling. Nongame fish found around Idaho will also be added. Total recovery of the stream environment will take several months at least, Thompson said. Aquatic insects have been reintroduced but require some time to become re-established enough to feed the fish naturally. The project was accomplished with donations of cash, labor, materials and equipment from people in Boise and around Idaho. Because of volunteered labor, equipment and materials, reconstruction required only about one third the money it would have if all the work had been contracted. An event to thank contributors will be planned for late summer.

Uploaded: 8/1/1999