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Drought Will Produce Great Deer Season This Fall, Lousy Seasons for Several Falls After That
So says ‘Doctor Deer’

(Hunting News) The drought ravaging Texas will be good for deer hunters this season, but could lead to very little deer hunting in the coming years, 1200 WOAI's Steve Soliz reports.

Dr. James Krall, who goes by the nickname 'Doctor Deer' told the Texas Hunters Extravaganza over the weekend that this fall should be one of the best deer seasons in years.

Krall says the fact that the forests and brush lands are so dry, there is little forage for the deer, and that means deer will be more easily lured to bait corn put out by hunters.

"A lot of folks use that as an indicator of how good the season is going to be, is how many deer come to their corn," Krall said.  "So that part is going to be good. There are some good bucks out there, despite the growing conditions."

But Doctor Deer says the drought has also put a severe crimp in the number of fawns being born this year, because it has drastically slowed the mating season.

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